Light & Free x Burnt Toast
Context: Light & Free is a yogurt brand owned by Danone.
An ultrafiltered yogurt that’s free from artificial sweeteners, free from boring flavours and free from compromise, but also a brand that gives a voice to its consumers.
The Brand Light & Free is an invitation to tell your story, to shed light on what makes you feel free to be yourself.
The Brand Light & Free is an invitation to tell your story, to shed light on what makes you feel free to be yourself.
Brief: Through various touch points, build brand passion and inspire others to live free from compromise. To be bold, be different, be daring.
We invite you to explore this idea and use your art to illustrate what it means for you to Live FREE.
This campaign will be framed as an artist collaboration. The designs will be used for packaging, social media and your attendance at a mural festival.
Agency: LNDMRK
STEP 1: Design Brand Elements

Vectoring Process :


STEP 3: ARTWORK Give-away
In an effort to push the campaign further a give-away was hosted on social media. The prize was this 1-off screen print.

STEP 4: Mural FEstival
In addition to the digital side of the project we designed and painted a 5000 square foot mural at Festival MURAL in Montreal, Quebec.
A short blog post was written about this particular piece. Read it here!